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URISA Texas Virtual Speaker Series - June 2017

  • Tuesday, June 27, 2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar (see below)


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Modeling Potential Wetland Impacts Due to Sea Level Rise in NOAA's Sea Level Rise Viewer

Presentation Outline: 

This presentation will provide an overview of NOAA's Sea Level Rise Viewer, which is available on the Digital Coast website ( Discussion will be focused on the data, methods, and factors included in informing the potential wetland impact modeling performed within the tool.  Topics associated with the associated output data layers and how they might be used will also be covered.  After an overview, there will be time for questions and answers, as well as  a discussion on whether this information might be useful to the TX URISA community.

About the Speaker:

Nate Herold is a Physical Scientist with NOAA's Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and is located in Charleston, South Carolina. Nate leads NOAA's land cover and change monitoring activities, through their Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP), helps to make data and tools available to the coastal community through the Digital Coast website, and is responsible for the wetland impact and migration modeling that is included as part of their Sea Level Rise Viewer. He has been with OCM for over 13 years.  He came to the NOAA after several years working in the private sector, where he was involved in the production of land cover products worldwide.  He has a Bachelors in Soil Science, from Penn State University; and Masters in Geography, from George Mason University. 

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