Utilizing new Esri technologies for streamlining web GIS - a TxDOT perspective
Presentation Outline:
TxDOT has implemented a couple of newer Esri technologies for streamlining our data publication process. With the release of ArcGIS Pro 1.2, we have been able to quickly create visually stimulating and responsive Vector Tile basemaps, allowing us to update basemaps on demand, rather than annually. Pro has also helped us streamline the process of publishing feature services. We recently transitioned from using multiple MXDs to manage our GIS services, to using a single ArcGIS Pro project. These two advancements have resulted in significant savings in time and effort to publish GIS services.
About the Speakers:
Chris Bardash is the Mapping Branch Manager at the Texas Department of Transportation and has been with the department for over 4 years. As a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, he previously worked with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, has more than 10 years of experience in GIS, and holds a GISP certification.
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Presentation Slide Deck: https://goo.gl/tXwPL9
Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/MOICoAoDS20